Thursday, August 11, 2005

We are now connected!

Hey all,
Okay, we finally made it to Beijing, made it to our apartment and now have internet access at home! I think the first few posts on the blog will be incredibly disjointed because I've got so many things to post and haven't had a chance to post any of it. First things first, we miss everyone from the U.S. terribly. I often catch myself thinking about heading home after work and just falling into the old routine in Austin (doesn't matter that I'm in Beijing). You catch yourself expecting to see the same friends after work and that you can go out to the same places.
Today was Thursday and it was a great day to head off for some margaritas at The Ditch. To boot, the cab driver told us (in Chinese) that we should bring some beers with us to drink in the cab on the way home. I mentioned margaritas and he seemed to both know what that was and approve of my drink choice (presumably for drinking in the cab).
Anyway, as for the blog, I thought the name was was "Melrose Place" might translate into in Chinese. We live in a fairly upscale neighborhood that probably sees its fair share of drama and intrigue. Hopefully I'll run across it in the next few months. Don't worry, you will all get the gory details!


Blogger David said...

melrose place? oh. speaking of desperate housewives, I heard on the radio that kelly monaco (rrowr!) is joining the cast to keep eva longoria's ego in check.

13 August, 2005 23:07  

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