Saturday, August 13, 2005

Beijing is a Great City

Before I tarnish the image of Beijing, I wanted to make sure that everyone knows how I really feel about Beijing. It's a great city and has been a lot of fun from Day 1. You may have heard (and will hear) about the problems that we've had and the difficulties that we face. These are really just issues that are related to moving to a big city in a new country. They would probably be similar to what we would face in any big city anywhere in the world.
Beijing is far a fun city and provides us with plenty of options of things to do, things to eat (sometimes too many options!) and sites to see. Our apartment is wonderful, the people I work with are great and the other friends we have in the city are wonderfully supportive.
I guess I'm writing this because it will probably be a few more posts before you start hearing about all the wonderful aspects of the city. We've got a lot of stories/issues to tell everyone about and some of them sound negative because they are reflections of our initial difficulties not anger or disappointment. There are also plenty of stories about what's cool and interesting in Beijing.


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